
Hummus Recipe

I love hummus.

We will buy it every so often as something different to have in the house.

I knew it was easy to create but could never locate the tahini paste.

About two months ago, we found finally the paste. *hurray!*

I made a batch using a recipe that I discovered online, it was good, but I have to admit that I added way too much garlic. Now some of you may be gasping, shaking your head and asking how could she even think that way. *raises hand* I love garlic, grew up eating it for as long as I can recall, but this time it was knock your socks off too much.

Today, I decided to try my hand at another batch. Went looking for the recipe and it was no where to be found, do I look it up again or wing it?

Ah, let’s wing it today!

Gathered up all my ingredients, pulled out the old blender and I was ready to go.

Oh, yeah, I also grabbed a piece of paper to write down my recipe, something that I think about after I am done.

I did not add many spices, due to my poor tummy. *frown*

I mixed it all up and I have to admit it is really good.

It is nice, creamy and smooth. The last batch that I made was a bit lumpy.

My recipe is below and feels free to add any spices you would like to it.


Ingredients are in the blender just waiting to have a spin.

I noticed while snapping the picture that I forgot the tahini paste, good thing I took the picture.

The ingredients all mixed and ready to eat.

Hummus Recipe:

  • 1 - 15oz can garbanzo beans drained (keep the liquid)
  • 2 - tbl chopped garlic
  • 3 - tbl lemon juice
  • 1/3 cup Tahini paste
  • pinch of paprika (mine was medium size)
  • fresh pepper ground to taste
  1. Place all ingredients into a blender. (You can use a food processor.)
  2. Begin to blend ingredients.
  3. Add in 1/3 cup of juice from the garbanzos*.
  4. Blend all ingredients until smooth.
  5. Place in a bowl and serve.
  6. Refrigerate any leftovers

* You can add more juice if needed, this will thin out your hummus.

** I am not sure how long this will last, so I would eat it within a few days.*

You can add any spice you would like, and have fun with the recipe.

Anonymous said...

You can also use dried garbanzos - just soak them for a few hours (overnight) and bring to a quick boil. Dried they will keep *forever* and any left overs can be used in salads, mixed with other beans, or even *gasp* eaten as a side dish!

Sandy said...

Thanks for the tip! I will have to search for some dried garbanzos and give them a try.

Anonymous said...

Ut-oh.... where was the splash of olive oil? :-) [Hrmph. I *know* you have olive oil! LOL]

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